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post 21 Oct 2012, 14:55
Post #61

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am si eu un Renault Scenic si dupa o vizita la mecani am ramas fara cod casetoton. Va rog sa ma ajutati. Am atasat o paza cu etichetele de pe casetofon.

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004.JPG ( Size: 3.38mb ) Number of downloads: 996

Renault Scenic 1999,1.6 - st34272
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post 21 Oct 2012, 15:00
Post #62


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@aurelian22=Incearca codul de deblocare 4144.


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RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 21 Oct 2012, 15:16
Post #63

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A mers

Multumesc mult de tot.

Renault Scenic 1999,1.6 - st34272
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post 30 Oct 2012, 01:30
Post #64

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am un scenic din 2001 nu am cartea masini si nu gasesc codul.radioul este el este inteles ca se poate afla ajuta cineva?

30 Oct 2012, 12:24:
ma ajuta cineva cu deblocarea am nici cartea nici codul!multumesc!

This post has been edited by roland2000: 30 Oct 2012, 12:24

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DSC00264_mini.jpg ( Size: 18.38k ) Number of downloads: 952

renault scenic 2001 megane scenic - af220zn
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post 30 Oct 2012, 12:38
Post #65

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@roland: incearca codul de deblocare 9659

R M 8 - HD
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post 30 Oct 2012, 23:49
Post #66

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cum tastez 9659,aparatul are doar 6 cifre.comenzile sunt la volan.6 si 5 ok dar 9 de unde il pun?

renault scenic 2001 megane scenic - af220zn
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post 31 Oct 2012, 07:06
Post #67

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Apesi de 9 ori pe 1
Apesi de 6 ori pe 2
Apesi de 5 ori pe 3
Apesi de 9 ori pe 4
Validezi cu apasare lunga pe 6

DS 5H VRSCA Screamin' eagle
Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.
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post 1 Nov 2012, 16:55
Post #68

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salutare! Am un scenic din 2005 si am codul de la casetofon, dar nu stiu cum sa-l introduc. am incercat o gramada de posibilitati, dar se pare ca nu am nimerit-o pe cea buna si nu am carte la masina. ma poate ajuta cineva, va rog?

Renault Scenic II 2005
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post 1 Nov 2012, 17:01
Post #69

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Era greu sa citesti UN post mai sus...?

DS 5H VRSCA Screamin' eagle
Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.
Take what you can - Give nothing back!
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post 2 Nov 2012, 10:58
Post #70

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Nu era greu, doar ca nu merge asa, are casetofon Carminat cu navigatie si ma gandeam ca poate este vreo modalitate diferita.
Mersi oricum

Renault Scenic II 2005
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post 2 Nov 2012, 11:46
Post #71


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Incearca sa introduci codul din comanda de la volan cu ajutorul rotitei si validezi cu tasta de jos.....apasat continuu.


. . . - .
RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 2 Nov 2012, 21:31
Post #72

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Rugaminte:un cod pentru cd-ul cu eticheta din atasament. Multumesc anticipat!

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02112012011.jpg ( Size: 349.12k ) Number of downloads: 912

renault laguna 2 2001 Privilege 1,8 I 16V - AG 70 BUB
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post 2 Nov 2012, 21:39
Post #73


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@b_gabi=Incearca codul de deblocare 0646.


. . . - .
RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 2 Nov 2012, 21:48
Post #74

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renault laguna 2 2001 Privilege 1,8 I 16V - AG 70 BUB
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post 4 Nov 2012, 10:35
Post #75

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am incercat codul dar nu a mers...mai incerc,daca nu merge pun alt radio.pacat ca aveam comenzile pe volan.mersi oricum

renault scenic 2001 megane scenic - af220zn
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post 4 Nov 2012, 11:21
Post #76


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From: Mihalaya

@roland2000=Codul furnizat este corect(sub rezerva prezentarii datelor exacte)dar procedura de introducere si de validare nu au fost respectate.
Incearca sa introduci codul cu ajutorul rotitei de la comanda de la volan si apoi odata codul scris pe ecran sa validezi cu apasare continuua pe butonul de jos de tot....pana la BIP.


This post has been edited by espacern: 4 Nov 2012, 11:21

. . . - .
RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 5 Nov 2012, 15:37
Post #77

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l-am rezolvat!multumesc mult.codul e corect

renault scenic 2001 megane scenic - af220zn
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post 9 Nov 2012, 21:51
Post #78

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buna seara !am si eu nevoie pentru un renault clio de codul de deblocare .va multumesc anticipat

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Fotografii_0641.jpg ( Size: 719.3k ) Number of downloads: 863

renault gordini dauphine 1967
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post 9 Nov 2012, 21:57
Post #79


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From: Mihalaya

@silviu495=Incearca codul de deblocare 2899.


. . . - .
RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 15 Nov 2012, 13:04
Post #80

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as dori si eu un cod deblocare pntru un cdplayer
8200 354 519
820034519T B037-SECURITY

sper ca am scris corect

ms anticipat

dacia logan 2005
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post 15 Nov 2012, 13:20
Post #81

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@djpoppy: incearca 0992

R M 8 - HD
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post 15 Nov 2012, 13:57
Post #82

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@dan22y a mers. ms mult de tot
multa bafta

dacia logan 2005
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post 19 Nov 2012, 12:58
Post #83

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Salutare! ma poate ajuta cineva cu codul de deblocare pentru cd player la renault laguna din 2003.seriile sunt urmatoarele:
MODEL NO:22DC279/62E
PROD NO: FD0202150047495

va mulumesc anticipat

renault laguna 2003/1.9DCI
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post 19 Nov 2012, 13:02
Post #84


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@raulyannis=Incearca codul de deblocare 6106.


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RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 20 Nov 2012, 19:26
Post #85

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Am si eu nevoie de un cod de activare pentru un unchi care nu stie sa foloseasca computerul.

Datele pe care mi le-a furnizat sunt:

prod no : RL229F5031946
model no: 22DC229/62

Daca e nevoie de alte date va rog sa-mi spuneti ca sa fac rost de ele. Ideea e ca am vorbit la telefon cu el si doar codurile alea mi s-au parut importante.

Ah, si daca se poate sa-mi spuneti si cum se baga codul. Mersi mult!

Dacia Logan 2007
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post 20 Nov 2012, 20:57
Post #86


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@raiden07=Tu stii sa folosesti
Asa ca citeste mai sus si pe aici pe forum ce date trebuie pentru cod corect si cum se introduce/valideaza codul.


This post has been edited by espacern: 20 Nov 2012, 20:58

. . . - .
RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 20 Nov 2012, 22:01
Post #87

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@espacern: scuze. Am gasit intre timp generatorul de coduri si mi-am generat singur codul, i l-am dat unchiului si a mers.

Multumesc oricum si scuze de deranj.

Dacia Logan 2007
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post 20 Nov 2012, 22:53
Post #88


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From: Mihalaya

Felicitarii tie..... fata de toti cei care zilnic cer un cod tu prin cautare pe aici ai reusit sa gasesti ce-ti trebuie.


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RENAULT are mistere pe care OMUL nu va reusi niciodata sa le afle!
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post 24 Nov 2012, 17:18
Post #89

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Buna, va rog un cod pentru cd player, am schimbat baterii si .... adio.

Multumesc din nou ptr promptitudine, codul este bun.
O zi buna!

This post has been edited by emilian2000: 24 Nov 2012, 17:57

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image.jpg ( Size: 2.31mb ) Number of downloads: 739

Renault Megane RX4 2000
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post 24 Nov 2012, 17:28
Post #90

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@emilian 2000 codul tau e 0427

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